
Here I will write about my personal Masonic Journey, including answers, thoughts, feelings, experiences, interpretations, and lessons. I hope that my blog can help answer questions you may have, both favorable and unfavorable. Also, don't hestitate to ask me any questions. I'm hard to offend.

Oh, and don't ask me if I know where the Holy Grail is. I keep losing it.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Becoming a better man

Since I've started studying Freemasonry, I've felt a dynamic shift in my personality.  It's not as though after my initiation I was hit by a bolt of lightning and underwent a dramatic transformation.  It's been a gradual one. 

It started with finding out who was involved with the fraternity.  Seeing these men speak... interacting with others... gave me great pause.  I found humility in myself.  I saw the need for patience and understanding.  All of this took place before my actual initiation. 

However, more changes were in store for me.  After actually joining the lodge, meeting the men within... I found myself realizing something.  A truth I had often known.  If you surround yourself with good people, your likelihood of being a good person as well jumps ten fold. 

I am surrounded by great men... in a great organization.  The lessons further my desire to better myself, but there is so much that exists within the fraternity that helps me chip away the negativity within me and helps my internal mission to become a better man.

The history... an incredible testament to equality and understanding which began at a time when both were hard to find.  The men... each one eager to impart the wisdom of their lives, as well as help me in a time of necessity.  The lessons... morality wrapped in symbolism and ritual... granting me introspection.  When I'm able to tackle the charity aspect, devote my time to the many worthy causes that are just one more part of this amazing group... I know I will find more peace within myself.  I get as much as I give... and I intend to give a lot.

It has been a rough week... but in seeing my capacity to cope with it... I know I am on the right path.  I am not a perfect man... and I've never claimed to be.  But I know I'm on my way to becoming a better man.

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