
Here I will write about my personal Masonic Journey, including answers, thoughts, feelings, experiences, interpretations, and lessons. I hope that my blog can help answer questions you may have, both favorable and unfavorable. Also, don't hestitate to ask me any questions. I'm hard to offend.

Oh, and don't ask me if I know where the Holy Grail is. I keep losing it.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Masonic Bible

I just realized that in my first post I referred to purchasing a copy of The Masonic Bible.  I wanted to clarify something here, just in case people got the wrong idea.

The Masonic Bible is simply a Holy Bible with a glossary of Masonic terms and occasionally some Masonic rhetoric (before or after the typical Bible contents).

The reason I wanted to clarify is because there are some contentions that state Freemasonry is a religion.  I want to stress that this is extremely far from the truth.

In Freemasonry, with regards to religion, there are no conflicts of interest (except if a particular religious institute takes exception to Freemasonry).  Freemasonry accepts men of all faith, as long as you believe in a Supreme Being (regardless of what you call him).  The only belief that would prevent you from joining is no belief at all (atheism).

In different jurisdictions, there are sometimes additional beliefs necessary.  The requirement of belief in an afterlife, the immortality of the soul, and even the belief in a single god as opposed to multiple deities.  So far, I believe these are typically the average requirements, but I have heard talk that not every lodge requires it.  Again, I'm still learning so I could be wrong... I value any corrections/discussions on the matter.

This fact may also help set your mind at ease.  In lodge, there is no discussion of politics/religion allowed.  This is to keep a harmonious atmosphere and furthermore promotes the ideal of religious tolerance/equality.

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